
Four Solutions that can utilize core technologies

Precision Medicine Solution

Human Genome Data Analysis

Provides precision medical information such as disease prediction, drug prescription and side effects from genome data

Cancer Genome Specific Analysis

Identifying the cause of cancer and predicting survival rate by linking 7 types of multi-omics data and clinical medical data

Analyzing the relationship between microorganisms and diseases

Disease diagnosis and customized prescription recommendation by analyzing intestinal, skin, oral, and vaginal microorganisms

Infectious disease specialized

Rapid identification of new infectious diseases and prediction of pandemic infectious diseases


HUMAN INSIGHT solution is a web-based bio-platform that automatically analyzes human genome data produced by NGS, through our own optimal analysis pipeline and easily visualizes genetic variation information to discover biomarkers.

Genome data analysis status management

Understanding the status of real-time genome data analysis

Genetic Variation - Disease - Drug Linkage Information

Gene mutation and disease information by tissue


Next generation sequencing (NGS), which emerged in the mid-to-late 2000s, explores almost all genetic mutations present in human genomes. By accurately reading genotypes from all sequences on a given genome, we have explored rare mutations or mutations to provide a new hypothesis for disease occurrence, as well as the discovery of candidate genes that cause the disease. As the NGS continues to evolve, it can be analyzed in about two days at a price of less than KRW 1 million as of 2022, and according to Nature in 2015, 1.5 trillion of base data has been accumulated in an authorized U.S. database.


As data analysis costs declined, government agencies, hospitals, universities, and general enterprises attempted NGS analysis to discover molecular diagnostic markers, but analysis of genetic data required high-performance computers to analyze large amounts of data.


HUMAN INSIGHT solution is a web-based solution that allows genetic data generated through NGS to be analyzed based on known diseases, drugs, and genetic information without the need for additional equipment installation and expertise.


CANCER INSIGHT solution is a web-based bio-platform that links vast amounts of clinical and medical data of cancer patients encompassing multiple omics data to help researchers visualize gene mutations, gene expression, and protein expression patient groups and discover biomarkers.

Multiomics Analysis Browser

Multi-omics and clinical data linkage

Cancer survival predictive analysis

Multi-omics detailed analysis


Next generation sequencing (NGS), which emerged in the mid-to-late 2000s, explores almost all genetic mutations present in human genomes. By accurately reading genotypes from all sequences on a given genome, we have explored rare mutations or mutations to provide a new hypothesis for disease occurrence, as well as the discovery of candidate genes that cause the disease. In the case of cancer, it is the most representative disease caused by DNA mutations, and various mutations are involved in the development of cancer. In addition to the test method of checking only a specific gene site, a test method of checking for genetic abnormalities related to a suspected disease through NGS panel tests has recently been implemented in hospitals.


The industry produced NGS data for normal people and cancer patients in the hope that analyzing multi-omics and clinical data such as transcriptional and protein as well as genomes can analyze the cause of cancer in detail. However, there are many challenges, such as requirement of expertise in bioinformatics and the inability to find a way to leverage different forms of multi-omics data structures.


CANCER INSIGHT solution can analyze the causes, survival rates, and interactions of cancer that are currently known based on seven omics data, including genomes, transcripts, and proteins generated based on NGS without any bioinformatics skills.

Microbiome Insight

Disease - Prebiotics Literature

Disease - drug - genomic network information

Disease - Gut Microbiome Literature Information

Product Outline

About 100 trillion microorganisms live in the human body, 10 times more than the number of human cells , and the total genome is expected to be 150 times more than human . Microorganisms in the human body constitute a complex ecosystem and have co-evolved with humans, but few microorganisms have clearly identified their roles . As the human genome was completely deciphered in 2003 and the expected number of genes was actually only 1/5, research on microorganisms as human ‘ symbionts ‘ has continued until now , As Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) became common after the 2000s, metagenomics research began actively.

Many studies have proven that there is a high correlation between the human microbiome and various human diseases , most of them are still at the stage of comparing the difference in microbiome composition between healthy people and patients . Efforts are needed to find indicators at the genetic level for precise diagnosis and treatment of diseases

Product Characteristic

Disease diagnosis and customized prescription recommendation by analyzing microorganisms such as analyzing microorganisms such as intestine, skin, and oral cavity

Support to analyze microbial communities and discover diagnostic markers based on literature information and refined databases on microorganisms and diseases

Product distinction

Cloud-based Microbiome analysis solution

  • Apply modern analytics pipeline
  • Presentation of analysis results based on NCBI ‘s latest database ( update function )
  • Expertise in bioinformatics required Intuitive GUI without
  • Optimized cloud system provision through partnership with AWS ( Possible to build offline )

Infection Insight

Coming Soon