Baltimore to Bangalore,
Each Life Matters!

Our Projects

If a business is all brain and no heart it can survive no better than if it is all heart and no brain.

The MurthyNayak FOUNDATION is the heart of the Murthy Law Firm, following its heart and helping those who are vulnerable or in need. Business has been generous and provided a certain amount of financial security, so we might set out to extend opportunities and open doors for those less fortunate, who share our planet.

When we have been successful in business, we believe it is our duty to be generous to the community and give back. Community Service enhances our business life. It keeps us in touch with the real world and with people from all economic, social, ethnic, and religious groups. This provides balance and informs the decisions we make in business and as part of our local and global communities. We at the MurthyNayak FOUNDATION challenge other business leaders and entrepreneurs to engaged themselves in community service in a meaningful way. We believe they, too, will feel rewarded.

Our Focus