Murthy Law Firm

The Murthy Law Firm represents individuals and businesses exclusively in the area of U.S. immigration law. The Baltimore / Washington metropolitan area has provided the firm with a source for talented, intelligent, energetic employees who have helped us to build a business that has been able to grow and strengthen since 1994. We have benefited from the camaraderie of the business community here, while our clients are located around the globe.

The Murthy Law Firm is a business, but a business, like a living being, needs to metabolize all it takes in to achieve strength and health and balance. If it is all brain and no heart it can survive no better than if it is all heart and no brain. The MurthyNAYAK Foundation is the heart of the Murthy Law Firm, offering support to the most vulnerable members of society, from Baltimore to Bangalore. It is through financial gifts from the Murthy Law Firm that the foundation is able to do its work.

We encourage Murthy Law Firm staff to give back to the community in their own ways and we follow the path, as well, as individuals and as an organization, donating our time, talent, and treasure when and where we can serve others.
